It's tetris with a twist!

Made for the GMTK Game Jam 2024
Theme: "Built to scale"

Every other tetromino is twice as big as normal, but you can scale these down by pressing Space. (You can also scale normal tetrominoes up by pressing space)

Watch out though! You only have a limited number of scaling you can do! (indicated at the bottom the screen)
You regain 'scaling' slowly every time a new tetromino spawns. (But less so the higher the level)


Move: Arrow keys
Rotate: Ctrl
Hold/Swap: Shift
Scale: Space


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This feels like it just gets better the more you practice! I didn't realize my scaling was limited and it came back to bite me after I spent the first 5 minutes scaling everything down to regular tetris XD


Nice game! In the begining it was difficult to enlarge pieces and set them correctly but after sometime I got better. I liked that you can hold the piece for later