Stack it & Break it (BigModeJam2023)
It's Tetris meets Breakout!
It's like Tetris, but filling a line doesn't clear it, but instead rewards you with a ball.
Switch to Breakout-mode and the game turns upside down, allowing you to use your balls to break the blocks.
Tetris controls:
- Left and Right arrow: move the tetrominoes sideways
- Down arrow: move the tetrominoes down fast
- Z and X: rotate the tetrominoes
- Space: switch to Breakout-mode (need at least 1 ball to be able)
Breakout controls:
- Left and Right arrow: move the paddle sideways
- Up arrow: shoot a ball
Now go play!
For a smoother experience, try the downloadable executable! (Windows only)
(As web-builds aren't always very reliable)
More in depth game info:
In Tetris-mode, filling a line turns all normal blocks into white blocks, for each block that changes you get points (and more points the more blocks change at the same time).
This also fills up the balls-bar, for each 10 blocks that change you get a full bar, which grants you an extra ball to use in Breakout-mode.
For every 3 balls you earn, the game goes to the next level, which increases the game speed as well as the points you gain.
In Breakout mode, you get points by destroying white blocks. Every hit increases the points you gain, but resets when you lose the ball.
The game-speed also increases over time when there's a ball in play, and that also resets when you lose the ball.
The game automatically switches back to Tetris-mode either when you run out of balls, or when all blocks have been destroyed.
Made for the 2023 BIG MODE game jam.
The theme is MODE
Solo developed by me, Steven Craeynest
I recently released my first big game on steam: Hijack Overdrive
I would appreciate it if you could check it out.
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Very fun game, for me the best strategy is to rotate as soon as possible because I then have more time to predict where the ball will be
My new Highscore, try to beat it :p

Please share your highscores!
I wanna see! :D
Here's my latest:
This is a great concept, and its executed very well! I think the other comments sum up the only issue pretty well, adding some sort of powerup or concept to the break to spice it up a bit could make this game better than it already is. Well done!
Extremely cool mashup! It plays very smooth and the transition to each game mode is done very well. I was a bit confused on when i could transition back from the breakout mode.
Although the ball moves faster over time in breakout mode, It felt slightly stale as you only break blocks. I wonder if adding power-ups would spice it more.
Overall I liked it a lot and this is a great execution of the concept.
Enjoying the idea! Having the button instruction in game (on the sides) might have helped a little to not get sidetracked to check the description on mode switching
I love the switching animation
I wish the balls a bit easier to get, since the tetris piece are too random and don't have hold piece button, so it often go for a lot of piece before I could get anything to fill the gap with(like the straight line) so I ended up being stuck in one mode longer than the other when I feel I should spend around the same amount of time equally.
Having powerup in breakout mode would help a lot so we can play longer loop of the game, since tetris combo only give balls and breakout only able to destroy so little of the lines.
The concept is there though could very well be a game to enjoy in spare time ^^
The instruction on how to switch modes is actually on screen at the bottom. ;p
The pieces are actually less random than in tetris, but not being able to hold (or see what's comming) does make it harder.
(I was planning on adding that, but dunno)
Cool concept and it plays great!